
xs:QName+=xfi:concept-substitutions( $concept-name as xs:QName)

Last updated on 05-02-2008 at 00:00:00.

Obtains an ordered sequence of QNames of the elements that the concept is in the substitution group for.

OIM Status



Name Type Details
concept-name xs:QName


Type: xs:QName+

Returns an ordered sequence of QNames of the elements that the concept is in the substitution group for.

The sequence begins with the QName that is specified in the xs:substitutionGroup attribute on the concept declaration and ends with either the QName for the xbrli:item or the xbrli:tuple element.


Code Details
xfie:invalidConceptQName This error MUST be thrown if the concept name parameter contains a QName that is not the QName of a concept in the reference discoverable taxonomy set.

Conformance suite

90206 xfi.concept-substitutions testcase.xml [ download ]


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Geoff Shuetrim Galexy geoff@galexy.net 05-02-2008 at 08:36:00


Name On Details
Geoff Shuetrim 05-02-2008 at 10:00:00 Created the function definition.